Model Health Assembly (MHA)

The Model Health Assembly (MHA), much like a Model United Nations, serves as a simulation of a global decision-making body. Delegates step into the shoes of world leaders, honing critical thinking, collaboration, and decision-making— essential skills for emerging leaders in healthcare and beyond.

Once again, the highly anticipated MHA is back at Connaissance 7.0, featuring a single engaging committee with five stimulating sessions spread across THREE days.

Newcomers are warmly encouraged to participate! This is an excellent gateway to the exciting world of simulated conferences, providing unparalleled opportunities for networking and meaningful connections.


The application and registration for MHA will take place through GOOGLE FORM. Once selected, portfolios will be assigned following the standard MUN process.

Prize Pool- ₹18,000

Stay updated on committee announcements, registration details, and key dates by following @jipmermunsoc and @jipmerconnaissance on Instagram!

Event Details

Phone: Shambavi Khulbey (9550367607), Hanshika Mummunige (8121682004)

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